Books, insight and acceptance

Instead of resisting, we can accept that there is a reason for us to be where we are and allow ourselves to observe what the situation offers. By allowing ourselves to withdraw within today, we gain a new perspective on life.

If we consider that the sun only nourishes us because it's the perfect size and distance away, and that the oxygen that enlivens us is replenished by trees, we may remember that the wisdom of the universe takes placement and timing into effect when orchestrating all necessary details. Therefore, we must be at this place at this time for a good reason. We cannot know all the details, but sometimes we learn that had we not been delayed, we might have been in an accident. When we follow our instincts and accept what life brings today, we can enjoy the process of the universe unfolding.

So this part above was in my horoscope this morning. And with an intuitive nudge I found this little pamphlet in my book cabinet and re read it. Just as powerful as it was the first, second and third time I read some years back.   We/I get all goofy sometimes about the words and especially Acceptance. 

Understanding, making sense of things and accepting are all process words and action steps we can take throughout our lives. Again and again till we die or get it, Right? Well it seems that way to me.  

Here is another thing to accept, as long as I've been following the direction of being more creative in my life the support of books/self-help and the Artist Way have been a guide post as Brene Brown would say.   Other artists that have been on a similar career path also do a lot of reading in tantum with creating.  Book clubs and discussion groups.  All so wonderful.  We might be trying to figure out the path or connect with others that are on the path, who knows but it's sure feeds this artist.  

I've always known about the inside and outsides of life and myself are where my inspiration comes from most of the time and the other times it's a mystery and I'm trying to figure it out through the creativity process. As many people there are on this Planet Earth that's how many paths there are...there  is not just one.  Though the perception might be presented to us all that there is by outside influence. Don't believe that one.  

I'm hooked on the path of mystery I think... and along that path there are life lessons to be learned that allow us as humans to accept, surrender, love and learn.  

The things that I read and share with other kindred spirits is really awesome.   Though the more I read the more I'm viewing the whole acceptance things.  As we know the spiral is a symbol of continued growth and things pop up for us to grasp again and again.  Living the Contrasts of life... is what I am calling it now.  

The dealing with elderhood and the dealings with new birth coming into our family both can be looked at as a loving grace or as a struggle.   But both are living the contrast of life.   Watch a nature show and see how the animals are always in this process...why would we be different?  


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