What if you had to introduce yourself?


Open to Direction, 
18 x 24 
Self portrait, collage on Brown Bag, mounted on Wood panel. Image transfer converted into an image of myself. Embellished a magazine models pose and add some hair and glasses and there you have it.  
But not all the way.  Recently, like yesterday I among the other women in this Mastermind, networking group that is forming...we were asked to introduce ourselves.  For so long I've been a part of my family and when I look back at this I'm very honored to be the now quiet one with less to direct, keep track of and manage.  Everyone is living their best lives and could be prouder.  Getting all sappy...I know because tears are welling up now...Anyways here is my little introduction. 

Let's see,  Married a crazy, loud, gear-head biker dude, Randy, but I like to call him The Husband,  who's calmed down somewhat after the past 41 years...I was just thinking about that...all the stuff we've been through and we are still pumping air, vertical and together. (some old man in a little restaurant in Sheboygan WI said that when he came into the little breakfast cafe. )   We have four adult children, Stevie Kay, Maddie, Bernie and Jake.  Bernie and Jake are twins. All in their 30's now and all out of the house.  They took a bit longer than most to move out.  But that's Ok...we are grateful for their friendship as adults. I chose to not work out of the home when they were young and started back into my art after the twins, youngest were 4 years old...found my way into a local art league, took a one day a week job as an art framer, and then I started teaching art there as years passed.  I always looked up to the Elder artists taking their advice where it fit. Next thing was to pile it all on, be a mom of 4, teach art, make art, sell art in art fairs, then travel to Wisconsin mainly to teach week long workshops...Now I'm amazed I did that all....  Slowing down greatly and staying intune with the body so I don't hurt anything hauling supplies around. As I still do a few workshops and teach some in person classes.  I love to garden and hang out in my yard with my hands in the dirt, walking in the woods or around my neighborhood.  No grandkids yet...not pushing that one, hard enough on Kido's/adult children to make ends meet as it is. 

(not that we wouldn't want any , we would have a grand time with them, we are ready.) 
 In June I turn 61 and enjoying the beginning of my elderhood and wise woman years. Trying to fit myself in to the changes coming on so fast these days...Geeze now I'm sounding old...Hahaha.  
"The Husband"


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