Students Work, Brown Bag Collage Art


I asked permission to share Lynn Mills Collage work and she shared a little story with them.  I'm so touch by the story too.  This has happened many times in person classes and on line how people try something new as an art class or other creative practices and it helps them get through rough times or heal so they can keep living.  "Art Saves Lives"  And this Brown Bag Collage art is really a different surface and working with distressed look of the textures of gesso and glazing medium. 

Your classes have been a blessing for me since I unexpectedly lost my husband of 55 years this summer. Nights are hard, but have kept busy making more papers, doing the landscape collage or mixed media while waiting for things to dry. Thanks for the  inspiration and directions.

Your online classes starting with collage meditation  have provided me with joy and inspiration during the pandemic and with my recent loss. Decided I needed to try something new. I am primarily a watercolor and pastel artist but have over my lifetime tried a variety of medias. Always looking for challenges and personal growth.



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