Preparing for another one~

Colors don't show well early in the morning in the studio, though I'm just really loving the marks made with the gloss medium on the acrylic painted wood panel. Preparing for another Brown Bag Collage piece. Abstract looking now...and still when it will be done. 

Back ground board after a few weeks it seems it sat and the newness left and I had the guts to slap on some red and that was it love it. 

Because I heat seal this on to the boards/papers I make sure when there is lots of texture to add more coats of the gloss on the back so it will fuse well with the heat from the tack iron later. I do this steps before I go to bed and happy it's dry in the morning ready to go. 

Looking down on the piece, just a different angle to see the art. 

I decided to use the little back bag, sanded it and glossed it so I could add the papers to the sides and surface. 

You can see how small the black bag was when I started. 

8 x 8 
Gift bag mounted on Wood panel, 
Abstract Mixed Media Collage. 
Brown Bag Series,

Side view, sometime I carry over some color or pattern. 
This is all done to catch your eye and to pull the work out more. 



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