Same palette, different subject

Who Are The Wise Women? You and Me, 
24 x 24 collage on wood panel 
I know I've shared about this piece already but I've not shared about the collage palette I made and how it's run through all the other pieces and I still have more paper left. 

Tack down Tuesday a few weeks ago, 
Letting Go
8 x 8 Collage on Watercolor paper. 

Forever Wild 
14 x 14 Collage on watercolor paper
 then mounted on wood panel with image transfers of leaves. 

Embrace Mother Earth's Medicine
10 x 20 Collage on Wood panel, 

Living Together, 
8 x 8 
Collage on watercolor paper,(Tack down Tuesday edition)

I've got a series going on here with the all the papers that share the surfaces of the substrates, and a challenge to see how many pieces I can make out of the palette I created a month ago.  Or it the love of the colors and the contrast they create.  I do have a thing sometimes about working in a set palette and seeing where it takes me.  Keeping it interesting and exciting. 

What is a series?

Simply put, it is a group of pieces based on a common element or group of elements:  subject matter, technique, a particular set of materials, a group of visual elements, or a compositional format.  A series can be created in an afternoon – as in a group of quick collage studies – or last a lifetime.  Many artists keep several series going throughout their careers.

  • Working in series allows you to explore ideas more thoroughly, give them some breathing room, and try out different solutions to visual "problems".
  • Working in series gives your art practice focus and momentum.  Rather than face the blank canvas with too many possibilities to choose from, the parameters of your series create clarity of intention.
  • By considering the series the basic unit of art making, you lose the preciousness of the individual piece, the fear of “ruining” it, which can keep you stuck.  Get un-stuck by working in multiples.

Some people find the prospect of Creating A Series somewhat daunting, though.  When I talk about working in series I mean to focus on the process: working in multiples as a practice, not as a goal.  When you begin just one piece, you have some investment in its Coming Out Right.  If you begin ten pieces in a similar way, you can try all kinds of ways to continue, and maybe resolve, the "proposition" put forth in the beginning.


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