Messages, Rambles

The other morning, the urge, nudge and hunch to look up the spiritual meaning of Crow again.  The symbolism of Crow has been in my work for a very long time. So long that it has me reflecting on it.  Crows very rarely come to our yard in the back. So many trees that it makes it hard to come in and get out. Though the front yard is a bit different.   

Rambles a bit here.  

The whole relationship of crows in my life did come in when I was very young.  My Sister Patty was a special person that I knew for only about 2 and 1/2 years.  She had a very short life but a happy life.  She had Spina Bifida and died of complication of that.  My memories have me in the back yard swing often on a swing, repetitive and comforting for me even at that young age.  I was around 5 years when Patty passed on.  The back yard was my place to contemplate it all.  At 5 who would know what that was but I was in a state of moving meditation.  

I remember hearing and seeing this often,  A family of crows in the Cottonwood trees that lined their long driveway to the south side of our property. When I would go swing they would be there in the tree, Cawing a way and sometimes come down in walk in the grass of the back yard.  I was in awe and just watched.  Alone a whole lot at that time with the lost of my sister I do recall that feeling way back then.  You see because of my sister illness and complications I was left at family and neighbors homes while my dad worked and my mom tended to the needs of my little sister Patty in the hospital many times through her short 2 and 1/2 years on this earth.  

I subconsciously named my self...Lonecrow.  No pity needed at this point just recalling the memory from a very early age from my past.  

So when the nudge comes to look into the spiritual meaning and or medicine of the crow,  I listen.  

"Crow....are you cawing," so I may know. The secrets of balance, within my soul? Or are you sending your scared "Caw" Just to remind me of Universal Law? 

      Look into my eyes you will see the past, present and future, that is crow medicine. 

Crow Medicine is a Medicine of change. As Crow lives in the void between worlds, crow has no sense of time, Crow sees simultaneously the three fates, Past, Present, and Future. Crow merges light and darkness, seeing both inner and outer realties. 

Learn to follow your personal integrity. In doing so it becomes your guide, your sense of feeling alone will vanish.  Your personal (will) can than be merged with intent, so that you stand in your truth of Universal Laws of the Great Spirit. 

Be mindful of you opinions and actions. Be willing to walk your talk. Speak your truth, know your life mission, thus balancing Past, Present and Future in your NOW. 

One begins to shape shift that old reality into new future self. This allows the bending of physicals laws or better said, the use of higher laws over lower laws to aid in the creating a shape shifted reality of world Peace. (I see this as deeper reflections of the end of one year to the beginning of another.)

Where am I going with this....a bit deeper then I expected.  As the year is coming to end the word for this Year has been Grounded and it's been a very huge help in keeping a balance with life inside and outside of me.  As you all know we are still in the pandemic aftermath of sorts.  Abiding by laws of Mandate to a Universal law of life...I surely don't claim to understand that all but I question it often. I've selected my word for 2022 and that is Wisdom. 

Crow medicine reversed, (because we all have a shadow side) may indicate that you are cheating a bit on your diet or covertly watching neighbors, or thinking that Promises are meant to be broken." In other words not being true to ones self.  So some inflammation has acted up just after getting into too much sugar of home baked foods...a birthday of two family members and I was left with the rest of the cake, not ever good. 

In this situation, the only loser is you! If you are lying to yourself, or others, on any level, you have lost the power of Crow Medicine. Take a moment, think about your inner truth, feel Crow Medicine within self. Universal Law will be reveled. My favorite saying is, "More is always reveled."

In seeing inner truth one may need to weed out the old past beliefs or ideas to bring ones self into the present moment of all truth. (A little Self Actuation or a personal inventory.)

As Crow Medicine is asking...Remember the Divine Law. Judge not! Denial of self truth is ones own worst enemy. Divine Law is honoring harmony that comes from a peaceful mind, with an open heart, true tongue, light step, forgiving nature, in the love of all living creatures. Live and Let Live! 

As I gather more from other sites and books about this...I see my truths about life and with the end of this year and the beginning of another year coming around the corner so fast I am excited always to be refreshing my thoughts. 

Honor the past as your teacher, the present as your creation, and the future as your inspiration.  I love this statement.  Refusing to honor the shifts in your reality will cause emotional, and possibly physical pain. 

An implosion of energy is created when internal rebellion surfaces. Under any circumstance stay true to yourself as Crow Medicine reverse speaks of broken Universal Law. I gather this to mean stay in tune to my Greater Spirit and keep seeking guidance. Cause I do have a rebelliousness about me sometimes. 

Where the law of expansion is broken by suppression. This may apply to an old habit a person you have given authority over you, or your own fears suppressing your Dreams. (Oh my gosh time for us all to do some inner trusting and thinking for ourselves.)

This life is always your own creation. Shape shift it into something worth living. Call on Crow Medicine and shape shift the present situation, thus create a new reality in Universal truth. 

I heard this question yesterday from a elder, What makes you come alive? I love to ask myself that, and the first thing is to get dress and walk early in the morning and feel the cool crisp fresh air on my face and skin. There are more things that make me come alive but right off the top of my head this comes to mind. 

Be mindful of your opinions and actions, be willing to walk your talk...and talk your walk. 

This morning I receive a token rock that says, Lean into Slow and I picked a card from Inner Compass deck,  Slow Down...Your spiritual growth is an individual process that follows its own timing, there is no need to compare it with anything or anyone. (personal integrity) Nature is never in a rush and yet everything gets accomplished. Perfectly so! The growth you seek, can only find you in the here and now. Allow life to move through you, rather than trying to move life. Try to look at situations from a distance. When you are no longer completely identified, precious insights and answers can flow to you. Relax in this which is, without any hurry to move on. The Now is all there is. After all like grass we do not grow any faster by pulling.  

Through out my life I have had some deep contemplational moments, I'm really looking at it as Spiritual Growth moments and something that becomes new understanding.  Not perfect by far but to seek the direction with life from a spiritual way is a path I take often and connect with.  

Thank you for reading my rambling moments, 



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