

A bit of morning meditation in words and walk, 

When we are in our body, there's a enormous sense of groundedness. A feeling of being cradled-it's safe to be here. WE are in the Womb of Being, the foundation of our house. 

Sit quietly, be aware of your breathing. See if you can sense your feet on the floor, and yourself sitting in the chair. Check in with yourself. Whatever is happening inside you, bring some awareness to that. Do not try to change it: just try to see it. Put your attention on you breathing  and sensing. Do not indulge in you thoughts. 

Engaging in your sense where you are in the moment. A sense of aliveness, When I was walking Gracie on the path in the woods, the smell of sweet grass was popping up here and there. What fresh, calming soft scent.  Hearing my foot steps being placed on the pea gravel of the path. Seeing the deer cross the path ahead of us and feel the fresh crispy air.  Though I wasn't sitting in a chair my senses were awaken to the present moment and my heart was pounding in rhythm with my surroundings. 

The picture of the two tall dead trees captured my attention,  Seeing them stand there for years and the last three the are bare but still standing together like a couple.  At one point when they were alive I witness small Wood duck jumping out from way up high.  Another memory that I am amazed I saw. 

My homemade sand tray that I am learning to bring into my morning meditation practice too.  My husband laughs at me in a good way as of all the bones I throw and the cards I pick with the reading mediation sure have me looking the wisdom of the day.  

With that last sentence I have picked my word for the Year,  Wisdom.  And I will be exiting out with Grounded.  It's served me well this year.   


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