
Looking back at my last section of my vision board, the word today that I picked from my bowl of rocks is Grace.  How fitting a word with this image. Some old triggers made there way into my week and has me swaying way to the left.  The beauty of this is I see what is going on and it's mine to change.  What boggles my mind is how the body reacts to things without awareness because it's been such an old habit that it's automatic to react.  Getting into my own wonky personality sometimes is where I get into trouble.  As simple as what should the good daughters do?  Don't want to make waves and cause more turbulence so the mind games begin.  Some call it shadow self or be it the coyote stepping into show you where you might need to change a bit more.  However things play out they will be what they need to be.  Alignment today doing the self-check before you go and wreck yourself is always good. 

The reality is I don't know how to come down gracefully after a full load of creative activity.  My natural tendency is to do more and then I crash.  I'm not beating myself up just a good honest look at things and to have this time with the holidays and realignment is wonderful.  

Yesterday I all knowing was entering into a Eddie moment I quickly put my ear plugs in and laid down and listened to some gong songs with nature sounds, rain and wave action with the ocean. Working with regain a natural rhythm.   Then I got ready for a long walk in the woods with my Gracie gal. 

Taking a look at yourself when your not in a mindful state isn't the easiest.  But it's all about being in it and getting through it.  And seeing your own behavior.  At the age of 60 one might think they have passed this stuff up but little triggers still connect thin thread that snags one up now and then.  

Awareness, Acceptance and Action are where this wiser women is in a wonderful nutshell. 
Close your eyes, breath in and out, listen to all the sounds around you, a faint caw from a crow and the fullness of life itself. Do know that all is right with your world and you are enough.  (self talk) 



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