Going deep for Clarity

Collage Nude #5, 
A while back I took a risk and showed up at a live model session and brought my collage papers. I knew there would be a live model so I choose papers that were close to the palette I would need. Every once in a while it's good to look back and see how far you have come. The interest to do more isn't in me at this time but I'm very happy that I did challenge myself and give it try. Getting out of my comfort zone is more like it. 

Finding Your own Wisdom 
At this point and age you might think wisdom has been found right?  Being a visionary and entrepreneur has one on a road to always growing personally. As I/we move forward in live the thoughts of unfinished business enters in and fades out.  This stuff though simple sometimes is tucked away in pocket and comes out at times when you least expect it.  Creating more confusion as a creative moves forward.  The thing is moving in one way or another is part of life, we are moving to grow or we are moving to die...what's it going to be while we are living on this earth now?  

Stumbling on question such as, 
How did I get here? 
or Why did this happen? 
What does this have to do with creating the art that I do? 

Crazy right? 

It's no that important but what is important is to begin to see yourself in your truth, who you are and what you are meant to be doing. It's never too late. You have other life experience now to help you.  There is where the wisdom steps in.  Other Experiences. 

Time to be that complete whole, wise and wild in your womanhood. 
Decide to stop listening to anyone who claimed to know the solution or have the magic key and instead chose  to surrender and be open to guidance in a new way. 
Allow you inner strength to move you forward. 

Be resilient as we know we/I can. 

Which leads me to the Wounded Healer.  

The wounded healer can appear as self-doubt and can stop you in your tracks. There really isn’t anything wrong with doubt. Julia Cameron has shared that it’s just a step back to prepare to move forward. Though the wounded healer can take it to the extremes lock us in to some major judgement cycling around in deeper and making the wound bigger.

Hurt people hurt people or from broken places, broken decision are made. Our souls separate and our fears become distorted.

 Reality is we need to heal ourselves, so we are working all of ourselves, Practical wisdom and the wiser wisdom or we don’t grow.  Reveal it, feel it and heal it, is something I’ve heard.

Healing doesn't mean it never happened: Healing means it no longer controls your life. 

Another collage nude of myself, done at least 4 years ago. 






  1. "Other experiences," you wrote, "is where the wisdom steps in." Your nudes are 'other experiences.' They have added to your wisdom as well as to your portfolio. I personally adore them.
    Thanks for the Indian Prarie Library exhibit video. It was 1998, I think, that I remember your first library exhibit, and one piece in particular, the face of the wise old woman...

  2. Wow that was some years ago, and good memory lady.


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