Process and what's that all about?

 September 8th thoughts....

I'm leaving this blank right now.....for the last few days this thought has popped up again and again. 

I believe I do many levels but I think I would like to dig deeper into this.  

Stay tuned..... 

Why do we want to speed through process?  

What's the rush? And then we chase the experience again and again? Sounds addictive right? 

September 9th thoughts.... 

I was also thinking its hard to go back into the moment of creating when you have to stop for all good reasons that day.  I/we aren't in the same mindset we where the day before and it's damn hard to go back into that mindset.  But creative makers do it, Craftsmen and Craftswomen do that. Could it be the mindset is set aside line when you hang up the apron. The next day you put it on and you pick up where you left off.  

Does it depend on the unfinished actions, the unfinished ideas, and the possibilities of sticking something out and see where the unknown will take you again? Allow oneself to step in again, not back that would sound to negative and that's not what process is about don't think.  

I started to do a Google search and found some books etc. but then I stopped myself and decided to pull from my own experience and just jot it down as I go.  

The experience of  process is not only for creative maker it's about the whole life thing of process.  The part in us humans that want to have instant gratification verses allowing a more natural flow might have taken over our/my mindset now and then.  I'm as guilty of instant gratification as the next soul. Though I have had the experience more so of allowing a process to work it's self out. A way of moving forward I guess, slow and flow or fast and rapid. 

Witnessing a person do their act or craft and it may look seamless and so precise. Might that have come from the process of showing up again and again with a practice of trusting in their own knowledge?   

Is Practice and Process related?  


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