Full of Fun and Play today

These prayer flags are for my son, He's born under the sign of Leo and he see foxes and coyote around his house and he like to fish. And the red tail Hawk is the in between flag before the section repeats itself. So a total of 15 flags.  I've got to sew them together on the clothesline tonight.  

This last picture is the Praying Mantis looking at me in the shade,  Amazing and an I'm in awe of them. She is right outside in my Hosta plants. It's like when I see poison ivy,  I just see it right away and if there's a praying mantis I seem to spot them out too.  For some reason I've been seeing them more and more. 


Working on my circle theme in my soft covered Leather journal.  I was writing about all the people in my circle that are in my community I see often, like the same mail man, the two postal clerks, the Oil exchange guys...it made me thing of all these people.  Connections and wholeness. 


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