Stumbled upon Self-Realization

With my routine of Morning Pages and insightful meditation and reading I stumbled upon the word Self-Realization.  Did a google search and Wow!  Interesting for the journey I find myself on as we re-enter the would.  The mind body and soul has changed and I sure know it and not in a bad way in a way that is for sure an awakening.  They call it Woke, seeing a new perspective, eye opening etc.  

Self - Realization-fulfillment of one's own potential.

Then I'm brought to these images. 

Yesterday in a group setting the topic was Self - some great stuff was shared and my thoughts were more to learn and grow with. 

Taking these Human needs and looking at it in smaller section or circle...(like the circles)

I'm use to seeing symbols like this around...for many years and how people in these groups are striving just for that self-realization or doing a lot of self -actualization. A study of self as a human and the relationships with ones self, a bigger something/spirit and the people around you and your family. 

Call it what it is spiritual and growth steps as a human being.  
"If you don't like something change it, if you can't change it, change the way you think about it." Mary Engelbreit 

Self-realized people have their own identity. Their own brand, charisma, and a light capable of inspiring others. They have created themselves through a process in which they've learned to accept themselves, with their virtues and defects. They're clear on their priorities and how to achieve their goals in life.

  • The ability to monitor your emotions. Rather than being controlled by your emotions, you can now use your observations about them during the experience to learn how to effectively handle things like fear, anxiety and stress. Self-realizations helps you do this by giving you the skill of letting go of debilitating feelings and taking hold of the empowering ones instead.
    • Improved focus and concentration. Guided by your own inner goals and values, self-realization helps you easily identify when you are entering into distractions and eliminate them. By getting rid of the meaningless things in your life, you stay committed to what matters most and you begin to see real results as you reach your fullest potential.
    • Increased confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem. By being connected deeply to your truest self, self-realization frees you from any insecurities, worries, and low sense of self worth that you feel tangled up in by helping you really grasp the truth that you are not defined by them.
    • Becoming more accepting of yourself and of other people. You are able to be more authentic and express emotions freely and clearly. As a result, you are able to form deeper relationships and spend more time connecting with people rather than trying to impress them.

    When people donā€™t have a strong sense of their own self, they get easily swayed to live life the way other people tell them to live it.

    The truth of this has been shown through Bronnie Wareā€™s famous work, which has shown that one of the top regrets of people who are dying was:[4]

    ā€œI wish Iā€™d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.ā€

    There can be tons of pressure whether itā€™s from work, society, and even friends and family for you to be a certain way. Maybe your rough upbringing instilled a strong need for otherā€™s approval in you so you do what others expect of you. Maybe youā€™ve stopped trusting people because of your struggles with letting go of the thoughts and experiences that hurt you.

    Whatever the situation, self-realization gives you the safe space you need to heal and grow.

    From Lifehack, 

    So what does this have to do with Me....a journey I believe I'm on going deeper and living spiritual wider would be the answer off the top of my head.  

    How about you where are you now as you stand this day?  Who, what and where are we to be going as humans now ?  How do we heal and mend our hurts and wounds ? 


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