We know it well

So here's something.
We long to do
have the space
to be with our artists quiet alone
We get it and we are lost....
Reclaiming the reason of what we longed for might be what we can begin again with.
The time we are alone creating, we wonder where we belong in this all? The creative life...
distractions or disconnected for our true self...
Who is that true self?
Why is it that what I want I finally get and I want more or feel that I'm not good enough
or the art is not good enough.
Self sabotage...That's Bullshit for sure. We've done it before and go through it hopefully
enough times, to know things/life/creative has cycles and seasons. Look back just a little bit
see how out of the blue it pops back in. Trust that again we are more like nature then we ever knew.
First off being a creative maker is a blessing and remember we have a gift and when
we aren't using it we are sad. We have a gift to create and in creating we make choices
with our feelings, thoughts and emotions. All of that is to be part of a flow in life not a damn blocking us.
Our creative spirit and know is that something bigger than us it's fed by so many things that we have to
be aware about and protect it, honor it and sit with it at times and be still. and Listen...were entering into
a very special time. As strangely as this past year was special in its unique ways. It's a thing called life and are we living our best
life with our creative hearts?
We are called to show up in ways we only dreamed about and now the stage is ours.


  1. I get this! I am coming to terms with the fact that my job, after COVID came, is gone.... I am retired before I was ready. So I count the years I think I might have remaining and plan a creative way to continue as a maker. These are new limits, as an artist, I have a love/hate relationship with limits! But they must be acknowledged and worked through or around, brought in to this reality and a way figured to play anyway. The year before this last year tore me apart, a carefully sewn cloth, with the loss of my brother. 2019 was a howl from the depths for those of us in his life, 2020 seemed like nothing in comparison. I am just now learning that I’m still in the deep, swimming, and have been, all this time. Grief distorts time, I think. If I live as long as he did I have a few more years to go. I want to fill up my shelves with all the makings I can make until then.

  2. Sorry to hear of you brother, and the retiring before ready...Change comes upon us sometimes and it's not till afterwards when the time passes some that we see it was what we needed. Grief distorts time, that's the darn truth. Well that is a wonderful intention for the year to come...filling shelve with things you make...Love it~


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