So Excited, Creative Vision Board E Course

 Each year I create a vision board, I call it a creative vision board mainly because for some of us this is a great adventure in cutting, tearing and gluing.  Holding scissor and cutting around something can bring such a great calming effect.   Along with picking and choose images that you like from magazines and the internet. We all need a little happiness and joy along with a bit of adventure, we can start with a time of selfcare creatively.  Set your day and block out all other distractions. You can do with your family each person creating their own vision boards. 

This workshop is usually done in person and it's a day long retreat to start your New Year off. But this year we've all had to transform our ways.  So with some altering and care I've been able to create an online E Course.     Here you can log in register on the Coursecraft site. Creative Vision Board 

January 1st, all information will be available but only till March 15th.  This is an annual beginning of the new year so I only offer this workshop at this time of year.  But once you have the information you are able to continue this year upon year.  It's amazing how they change from year to year too. 


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