Eddie Day 9

As I again enter a eddie time,  from the image you will see the circle, the spiral of life.  Directions this way...segments plotted out, broke ideas...sounds like a major melt down or as Julia Cameron Break through.  Whichever it's a process and you can jump, hop or walk on through it.   it's yours to figure out.  

This morning I did me in a way I haven't in a long time,  Morning journal writing, words of honesty and inspiration to a prayerful drumming, mediations and some yoga to this little piece....Now I'm heading out for a walk in the woods.  

Force it
Fuck it
  When your in an eddie...water swirls around in a pocket, beautiful at first till it doesn't stop and you wished it would....hanging on, in a split second you flung free and with the flow you go. 




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