The sound of the Cottonwoods


This morning in honor of the East direction on the Medicine Wheel,  I did a smudging and prayers for all direction, sky, earth and myself. Did some drumming to center so I could then be quiet and listen. 

We have rain coming in here soon and the early morning time before it rains with the coolness was so inviting.  The sounds of the cottonwood leaves, so larger and so thick wrestling and rattling up high.   The woodpeckers and the nuthatches creating some chatter along with a few squirrels...sense then it has quieted down even the winds have become still.  

Prayers out to all my relative and neighbors and the human kind....staring with love, light and life is the strong nudge from East directions...Though you need to bring the West and North too as I've known for along time we are all connected.  The West with the Faith of being and the North in strong effort to continue on healing.   

We walk in a spiritual and physical way hopefully in our lives...or maybe we don't believe but I know I've always believed in Nature, her cycles, season, though nature isn't always kind and gentle as we know that too.   

I will leave my thoughts with love, light and life right now.   So far this path around the Medicine Wheel has been a spiritual growth process I've welcomed and leaning into for my own personal healing.  Being real and the deal now for me at this age.   No holding back on what needs to be healed. 

a gentle breeze as moved in...the beauty of flow~ 

the message or signs...keep coming, stay open. 

I'm a personality type #4 on the Enneagram...

No matter what type we are, we can observe the following about Inner Work: "Work on ourselves proceeds layer by layer, from the most external forms of personality to the inner core of our Being."

Been going deep all year. 


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