Learning to do it differently

 Part of the East directions is about knowing that you are renewing and starting fresh and others in your life may not be. You will need to stay aware and in non-judgement of others, their actions and allow them their own path. Giving them opportunity to refresh their lives as well by how you now present, act, and react to everything around them with kindness, compassion, and without a need to stage yourself and your efforts in front of anyone.   

Wow...to end the East I think I want to savor this and allow it to just be...Past relationships with loved one and other has always had moments that are complicated, and with healing past stuff and new stuff pops up now and then it's something to really sit with and pray about. 

Reacting from old hurts is healthy and I feel the old hurts have become a layer in the soil that can be used for growth instead of staying a swampy muck.  

Allow others their own path.....I have a knowing of my own and how wonderful it is to walk it and be in new sense of discovery...why would we stop that in others?  

The Walking in this World workshop has started and I'm so charged by that and fall is here not by the calendar but by the temps...so excited, now for a walk.   


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