Grounding in these days...

1 tree, 1 house by the lake, 
always has been a dream, and chickens too. and a warehouse and studio space for both of us. 

So when you receive words like

We say to ourselves, this is my life and even though I may want to make changes, right now, I have to

honor and accept the current circumstances and feelings that I find myself in. When you bring this

level of grounded acceptance into your life, it actually becomes easier to shift out of anything that

may be painful or uncomfortable. You may just find that the answers you are seeking are not in the

next moment or up in the stars, but are already present right where you stand. When you stand strong

and true in who you are and in your life, it activates your personal power as well. When you accept

your current situation, it empowers you and allows you to remember that you always have choices,

even if they are not the ones you are looking for. Step into your power. Step into the fullness of your

being. Plant your feet firmly upon the Earth and know that you are meant to be here. Know that you

are welcome here. Know that by standing strong you reactivate the power that is always within you.

Over the coming days, make it a point to spend time in nature.

I have a studio to clean but the call to be out side is stronger and I've always listened to that.  


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