So What can the Bear teach us ?

 From a very young age....being in nature as simple as swinging on a swing in the back yard while crows fly around and chatter in the big cottonwood trees, I've turned to nature, to take a break and renew in it.  So many times I can look back and see myself in nature.   A place of peace and a place to clear thoughts...for a little one not sure what that would be but I always felt better in and after my time outside. 

So Looking at the West direction right now as I continue my Personal Enrichment of this Sabbatical.  I'm trying to take myself seriously on this. But in a Spiritual way.  The Bear is a Spirit Helper.  Strong in the areas of Introspection...which I do love to go there. They have a fearless way about them.  I just think of a mama bear standing up against anything that would harm her cubs...That kind of fearless. 

The Bear is one that is always seeking the sweetness of truth, from a place of maturity and good harvest. It is also said that Goals reside in the West and to accomplish these goals and dreams we need to carry the art of introspection.  

What is introspection...?  the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.  Well I'm there...probably here to much...I'm realizing I've been an over thinking all of my life. 

So the bear is active both day and night, symbolizing the connections with solar energy- strength and power, and lunar energy-intuition. It is encourage if one want to use the Bear energy to develop both within themselves. This can mean so many different things right? 

Because of the two deaths this year of the father figures...I'm in a mental and emotional process, reflecting on my past a bit.   Which of course has me dragging a certain suitcase around, that has sticker badges that said, "Drama, Past Hurts, Pains, Blames, abandonment, victim-hood, Oh Poor Laura.   

I've been writing so much in my journals my right hand is sore.  A form of prayer and meditation. Nothing major in the physical world but it's the mental and emotional stuff I'm looking at giving myself the grace and space to do that.  

I have received many signs.... this year so far and I've worked with them and grateful to them. Like this one, " Everything you need is already in you."   As I choose to believe stronger many questions of life are upon me and I'm seeing there are answers that are unfolding with in me. The capacity to quiet the mind and enter the silence and know.  The death of illusion gives way to a physical reality...This I've been witnessing. 

                                                                    Advisor 20 x 20

Bear is an spirit that resides in the west, it connects us to our intuitive side. The power of knowing and invites us into quiet and silence.    I want to question the nudge I had to lay low, stop sending out Tack Down Tuesday's and stop the constant urge to push something out.   I don't have to push anything out any baby years have past.  

Here me out,  and with out ego now...I've been creating, sharing, showing and selling for over 25 years.   I do love what I do, make and give life to, but I'm not a fan of pushing...though I do it well when I have to. (what I'm talking about is marketing.)  I'm not made, hurt or angry about it.  This is where I may sound like I'm all large and big....I've proven my creative flow, and stood tall and strong in my responsibilities and honored my word.  I've established and accomplished myself in a way that I do feel successful.  I'm not done or hanging up the tack iron... I'm just listening to the nudge to go on sabbatical for a month.  

When this bear shows up in your life, it hold the teaching in introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact. Make choices from a positive power.  For me a Greater Spirits guidance for sure. 

The time has come to regain my authority, for no one knows better than yourself what is proper and timely for my transformation.  Allowing the thoughts of confusion to be laid to rest as clarity emerges from the West, nurturing your dreams as the Earth Mother nourishes us all.  

Bear is teaching me to be my own advisor to attain my true goals and dreams.  To achieve Happiness you must know yourself. Know your body, know your mind, and your spirit. 

Journey with Bear to a quietness, dream your dreams and own them. In strength you will be ready to discover the honey waiting in the Tree of Life. 

Water is the Element of the West...

I share a poem from Margaret Atwood

"Water does not resist. 

Water flows.

When you plunge your hand into it. all you feel is a caress. 

Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. 

But water always goes where it wants to go, 

and nothing in the end can stand against it

Water is patient. 

Dripping water wears away a stone. 

Remember that, my child. 

Remember you are half water. 

If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it 

Water does."

As silly as it sounds....I let go of making money, the pushing force just for a month. 


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Good morning, dear Laura. I honor your sense of knowing where your spirit and soul needs to go ā€œbeā€ for awhile. Know during your time of rest and reflection that your companions will take on the work in front of us to do. Gentle ripples in the river for you now. Peace~ KJ (Karen Jones)

  2. Oh Karen, so understanding and thank you for knowing too~


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