My path and the foot work that is being taken

My time off or sabbatical is much needed, hard still not to push and But that's not true I'm still doing but from a different place. Letting go and releasing the need to make $ even for the month has been a challenge.  Mind set change and telling myself for a moment that's all.  The beauty about this month off is I have incoming coming in, from the many streams of things I've been doing. The break is much needed.  There was no burn out or brake down with this time...only listening to the nudge to do it. 

Questions:  What do I really want? I'll come back to this Questions many times I know. And rightly so as life changes and so do the wants. 

Continuing my study of the Medicine Wheel...I wish had a real one out on some big meadow where the rocks would be set up and I could be out there stand among the spirits in the rocks. To step into the Medicine Wheel circle and ask for assistance.  

From the books I'm studying. Still the West Directions...
We gain faith in the guidance that is available to us and our ability and awareness to formulate purpose beings to gain momentum and sets yourself on a new path. The energy of the light, clarity to formulate, and the ability to see beyond the obvious begin to unfold....I do cherish the word Unfold or More will be Revealed. 

It's not a surprise but a gentle opening of understanding. 

Talking about Source...Larger than yourself 
The source is always here for you, in any time of worry doubt, or darkness. At any moment all you need to do is just stop, take a deep breath, arrive with gratitude , ask for what you desire with clarity, and carry forward with faith that you are worthy and deserving of receiving everything in life that you have asked for.   

When I read this and type it out...this is honestly not about materially things.  This is about the Inner works of Faith in a human body, mind and soul.   Not childish wants. 

Be aware of the signs and messages that will show up to help you along the way and also the blockage and old patterns that will want  to stand in your way, this is your process to remove them. Remember any sign of pain is opportunity and that often desire comes to you in way you may not recognize so through away expectations and carry forward with faith, not merely hope, by your side.   

About the word Release from my Love Cards in the Inner Compass Series....
It is the moment to release emotions that impede my growth. This card inspires you to let go of that which does not serve you.  Whether these are toxic thoughts, relationships or stories in your head; if it upsets you, then start releasing. The first step is to acknowledge what you feel. Accept that it is there. Recognize the story that your mind creates around the feeling. Acknowledge that chaos that it is causing, and find stillness. Rest assured, one thing is sure: this too shall pass. Welcome this universal through to be still in your emotions, no matter how painful or uncomfortable they might be. It may seem impossible. it is not and it will set you free. If you deal with it now, in this way, you can soon leave it behind. If you don't try and you keep offering resistance and clinging on to old stories, nothing will change for certain.  As soon as you stop objecting, you liberate yourself. You can breath easy in all that there is, and give in to release. Additionally, when it is time to let a person go, do so lovingly, knowing you do not have to release full of fear. If you know how to apply this principle of liberation, nothing can hold you back. Your heart will make room for something new intuitively. 

I'm on path I'm to walk these days, with taking the break for the month...the invitation to blog more about what ever or the journey night now is kind of fun...It's like I'm writing and sending it off to the universe. At some levels I can share about this stuff with other and at other points it just to much...whatever it's unfolding in a way I'm witnessing grow in myself. 

So What Do you Really Want?   be honesty and with clarity.... I will be putting this question out to the Universe and listening to the messages...but no what do I want?   I'm usually praying for others that their struggles not be so hard on them.  

Because of past hurts....I've stuff them and now and then they have festered.... but with this year which would have played out no matter of Covid 19 or not the lost of elders and my childhood would have come to this point anyways.  I intuitively knew this with having the word Transform pick me...or I it...what ever not is time to look into this again and drop, stop and let it unfold...feel the pains. 



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