A spiral path of grounding....

 Here I am again.....wanting to ground, to be at balance, one with what is around me and keeping the life simple....mind thoughts the most simple and presents.  

I walked the other day and on a path in the morning meadow...met with welcome and gratitude. 

The question what do I want....Grounding I want to be more grounded.  I'm born in an air sign...Which is understandable about my love of the wind....I questions How do you get Grounded.  I'm a woods walker and bath myself in the spirits of the trees and other relative out there.   You would think that would be it and walking barefoot too.  

Going to read this and put a new path in to practice.... Are you Grounded, Centered? or Both.   or revisit what I've been doing with new eyes...right? 


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    M.C. Richards, poet and potter, wrote a book ā€œCenteringā€ that I felt inside.
    Happy Journey! ~ KJ

    1. thanks KJ....I'll look into that. If we don't stop and take a look and ask these question, of ourselves how authentic will we really be and true to ourselves.

  2. Just know that your work, your videos and your thoughts inspire many people you do not even know.

  3. Thank you Ginny...not that we are to be creative for the soul fact to know we inspire other but I get it...I'm inspired by other artists too. Love your level of creativity too. Let Art Save Lives all over the place.

  4. How far can I stretch and stay (mostly) centered? That is the question that comes home for me. Can I embrace the multitudes inside? Without wanting to jump and run? Without all the questioning and overthinking? (My default modes) I want to keep trying and I know time and opportunities can turn on a dime. To Thine Own Self Be True.

    1. Great Questions to ask...love it.


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