Filling the Well if images, Artist Date...after a workshop,

 A little tortoise

 Prairie these little critters. 

 Every thing in balance...

 From the look out site...there are elk there on the hill....

 Big Elk, and one behind him.
 Eagle in the aviary.

 Had to fill the kid in me and walk among the goats and chickens.

 Some Turkeys there in the shade by the bird feeders.

 I climbed the tower to see the wet lands area....Swan, Geese, and Sandhill Cranes.

Follow the path up.... 

 Screech owls...a whole group of them.

There were a whole group of the Cranes in the shade of the trees... might be there summer area.  Some looked smaller then others, maybe the young. 

The bison were resting in the shade too....a few little tuffs of movement between them but nothing major as it is mating season... The big bulls were up on the hill behind the group of cows here and the young ones.  The size of there heads is truly amazing....I'm taken by them for sure. 


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