Call it a Muse or is it a Mentor?

So in the last few months I was trying to stay open to what might be needed to look at in my life working with a wonderful group of woman in a Artists Way Class.  Jane Fonda has been a part of it, I remember watching her on the TV making statements about the world situation and watching the movie on Golden Pond with her father, what a performance. 
Friday she turned 80 years old and I'm 56 years old. 

The back of AARP magazine that comes in the mail... few months back had the movie with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda, Our Souls at Night.  I watched it as an artist date on Netflix.  

Then I was told by my youngest daughter to watch a movie, Peace, Love and Understanding on Netflix with Jane Fonda again it became an afternoon movie time and artist date. 

As I went into work and began a class session the director there shared with me that I reminder her of Frankie in the Netflix show "Grace and Frankie" I had to watch it. 

Wanting to find an at home yoga dvd's for short moment of relaxation and stretching in the morning and night I purchase for myself the Jane Fonda Am Pm Yoga...which by the way came in handy when I hurt my back.  

Now this morning I am scrolling around checking out Facebook and there she excited to hear what she has to say and it just rings so true. 

The end of this year is upon us with the holiday and the new year right around the corner and if I can ask myself what I want and need to do with this time in my life it might help me make some choices in my vision board coming up that I will do on Jan 1st. All these things to do, journal writing, affirmation rocks, rolling of the bones, yoga, walking in the woods, sitting around a table with a circle of women....rambling..all good self care kind of things.   I am reading with my book club of artists. Marry your muse...which I'm reading and having a bit of a hard time with it....mainly because of the word MUSE....Really?  When I've silently been keeping my eye on other artist women out there with their journeys and seeing how some of the things their doing can fit into my life....and what is funny is my husband is also a muse and mentor for me in different ways..... so what is my issue with the word Muse? going to look into that one too or many not...staying open to it. 

So having a moment of pure connection...Synchronicity is more like it...and a friend shared..."it's not odd it's God" Good Orderly Direction... I do believe...for some reason and that is what I'll be finding out this year....what it all means.  I'll leave it at that and get going, meet up with Jane for my yoga session....

What in Inspiration ahead of us she is, Right? 
In Spirit...we all have it~

Added video....Lily and Jane 


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