As I begin the challenge

I have a few weeks before Makers Market, that is close to my home...silly thing is I don't do holiday events and this is one I'm doing.  I was invited to and because it's close to home and a place that is trying to get up and running as a creative space I'm putting in my time and effort.  There's my mission for this obsession I'll have going on. 

Cut the board coated it with polymer/Gloss medium so I can use my coated papers and tack it down for the covers of the journals.  I then use the guide to drill the holes for the cover first...this way I just poke with my awl later where I can see the indent of the holes and it's read to go. 

Here's the cradle for the signature that I have to poke the hole into.  I found my awl to make it easier on my to watch out for them. 

At night when I watch tv for a bit...I end up going to bed around 8:30-9:00 I fold papers and make signature so I can drill the holes later...make for a faster assemblage later.  The ideas is to keep making up a few cover sets and stitch them together at night now....

I was sharing with the Artist's Way Class I'm leading about the importance in my life of Morning pages...I  know for sure at least 20 years I've been doing this...My antic space has a few boxes full of journals.  I always wonder if I should burn the pages some day...because no one can really read them my hand writing is like a

Though the pages have been a blessing for me. My squirrel brain can get the best of me sometimes and the level of ideas and whirling thoughts need a resting place, a place to ground and be sorted. The morning pages are a tool but more than that for me their a form of medicine. As Julia Cameron Shares...the Morning pages are a form of medicine we all can make and administer to ourselves. 

Well off to take the one pup to the woods and the senior for a walk around the neighborhood...legs are not able to handle as much these days but the activity is good for Hank and adds some wonder and excitement to his day...


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