Rambles....Saturday Morning entry...

My feelings eddie inward....becoming arm to arm whirling buddies.  Morning journal writing clears some clutter away and others continue to be morning characters.

I'm finding wonderful grace in being outside...Walking in the woods and around the neighborhood with Hank and begin the yard preparing and  working the earth.  In a few weeks the husband will help me set the tipi up. I'm very excited new center rope and all.  So hard to wait...but he's got some things going on too...He's such a great guy...

I have a project to complete by April 29th...that's my due date I gave myself. I can't share it yet....it will be share around May 13th on a different site.  All hush, hush about this...

Class started on Thursday...what great group.  I really gave them a lot to think about the first class.  Though with this class it's open studio, I have new and returning students so its touching base on lots of things.  My box of scraps-(coated piece of collage papers) is always a hit when learning how to use the tack iron...did a bit of glazing too.

Did I mention I do love the word Eddie...

Apirl 11th will be the next full moon...pulling my image of the 13 moons...this is the 4th. After reading the poem...I worked in a book with some sketches and let it float around in my head and then I started gather papers and ides.  As you can see this piece and the whole series I created where made in 2010...I remember the process like yesterday. 

Victory Song
24 x 24 collage on canvas

Inspired from the book
Thirteen Moons on Turtle’s back
A Native American year of moons
By Joseph Bruchac and Jonathan London

Sharing poem with permission from Author Joseph Bruchac 5/2010

When the world was young, Wis-a-ked-jak, the Triskster, met with all of the animals to decide how many moons would be winter.  Moose answered, “There should be as many moons of winter as hairs on my body.” Amik, the beaver, said, “There should be as many winter moons as scales on my tail!” then O-ma-ka-ki, the little frog, said, “There should only be as many moons of snow as toes on my food.” Wis-a-ked-jak decided that this was right. So it is that winter lasts only five moons, and when it ends, the small frogs sing their victory song in this moon with their name.

Fourth Moon Cree

Well best get a move on this beautiful Saturday Morning...weather is going to be great for working and being outside...


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