Night Light, Elder, Prayer flags, Celebration of Earth Day

I could have started a fire....but my body, mind and soul were all exhausted by the days end with Mother Earth.  I'm a homebody...though I like to take little weekend trips now and then.  I think the routine of a farmer Gene runs deep in me and tending to the property has always brought such joy.   With the last bit of energy, I plugged in my lights which I have in there and snapped a picture.  Yes I can use a more natural light like a fire, which I do have a small fire pit that fits in there, but I was just to tired to get that going.  Instead came inside and watch the Movie Mr. Church with the Husband.  Great movie..about 2/3 the way through I was amazed at the way it was made with not one hints of racism...and this movie wasn't about that but how beautifully it was can happen.  Another good movie we rented was Hidden Figures...full on Racism in that one...Excellent movies. 

So when your are attracted to a image and use it in a vision board and it comes time to really look at the images and question there meaning for the year...As you can see from the section of my vision board that I'm working with now for March and April....There is this Observant Elder in the bottom left hand corner. A Book Club Artist Friend of with images and she says she ask what it is they are wanting to say or tell you.  In this image she is not praying but looking out and down. Not a super happy face on her.  This is what I hear...."You are coming to a point in your life where you need to be comfort just observing life at times."  "Allowing it to be what it is and allowing it to pass as it will."  "There is a sacredness and heighten spiritually when one practices this..." What I also notice is the bracelet she is wearing.   A few beads of white...possibly on leather?  The longer I look at her I see concern and some uncertainty...but she still is just observing. 
 What can I learn from this? 
 Well this is not something I do naturally at all...always filling my time, and not allowing open spaces to observe.  Daydream...being comfort in my own skin in the moment and allowing life to be life and taking a break. Not sure but They Say it's good to Know thyself and I see this as a journey to do. 

This is my section of my vision board that I'm working with...I know I'm rambling on about it...I have about 25 flags to do out of 60 to pray and print on yet...which I'm using the gelli plates on....So this week I'll be working on finishing those up and to work on a founding book for a Creative Retreat Day planned in October with a Great Yoga Instructor, myself for the creative part and my daughter for a Peace talk at the end...thinking and planning ahead.  

I've got to work out the steps for this little accordion book that will be made.  Stations set up and for them-students to move around and add to their book....with all kinds of art materials and mediums. So the play and planning begin for me this week  as I have a deadline of Friday...when I meet up with Kim K....

Dropped off a big piece of Art at Osio Brown's to be photographed and some plans for that I'll share soon. 

Back to the back yard some area's that I didn't tend to much last year that really are calling to be cleared out this year. 

Spent Yesterday very close to the grateful, renewed my spirit for sure. Great Natural Therapy too, keeps this Artist in the giggle joyful mood. šŸ˜‚

On Friday I walked the edge of the Dale Basin across from our home....Happy to say that only two bags were collected, mostly plastic with two beer cans and a few plastic bottles and some styrofoam sheets plus fast food containers, cups and lids with straws...

"Let our uncertainty settle in the earth for the spring will grow again." 


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