Process work

 My book came today in the mail...I was sitting out back by the fire pit...

 I remember how emotional and how this movie and the ability to self express was so strong at the time started a whole new series for sure that I'm still toying with.

No lie I think it's been about 7 years that I've had this stashed away....I had ask for it for my birthday from my son and I finally brought it out and used it...not a very good mom was I...but with burning down the brush pile after cutting lawn I decided to hang out side and cook some uncured hot dogs...I know not the healthiest things but it went with the mood I was feeling.

I had wanted to delete the last blog entry because that shows a side of myself I'm not to proud of feeling.  It's a side of me that is rough... It's like I'm ashamed of it.  But it lie under the surface and every once in awhile it can't helps itself it has break out be looked at...Part of a healing process I would say.

What I really want to do at this time is be in my studio creating through this emotions, but the studio is full of working waiting to head out on Monday for hanging. So the next best thing is hanging outside being in nature...always has a way of helping me set things straight.


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