Walking in the World Week 7 and gathering of other stuff.

So carrying on as I usually do....I plug away at week 7 in Walking in this World. Stumble on another book and snatched it up right way when it came in the house door..."Carry on Warrior, thoughts life unarmed, Glennon Doyle Melton.

Now I want you to see what's behind me at the kitchen table...

Yes,  that's right a stack of books...things I dabble into during the morning. Only a few are completely read and a few others are being reread because...well you know their so darn good I want to soak in the words and have them ruminate around and around.  And then the guilty set in and I feel bad that I've got all these things "books" and don't finish them...Like I've got the book police on my shoulder ready to write a ticket...Crazy ?

Then I pick this out of my stone bowl this morning...

I'm just passionately curious to learn all my dyslexic brain and handle at how every it comes in...at the age of 54...why change what's been working. So forgive the demons of the distorted thinking world in my head and keep moving on with Gusto! 

so then....

I am looking face to face a large rabbit out my kitchen window this morning which was unusual, with the dogs and all nothing seems to come and visit unless it can climb a tree or has wings to fly away. So my curiosity is peeked to see what the mean of the rabbit brings.  I grab the book behind me by Jamie Sames and David Carson...Medicine Cards, ways of the animals  and do a bit of reading..


Scared little rabbit...please drop your flight! Running doesn't stop the pain, or turn the dark of light. 

So some medicine for me to read ...Stop talking about horrible things happening and get rid of the "What if" in you vocabulary. A signal may be the time to worry about the future or of trying to exercise your control over that which is not yet in form-the future. Stop Now!  Write your fears down and be willing to feel them. Breathe into them, and feel them running through your body into Mother Earth as a give-away.  

If you have tried to resolve a situation in your life and are unable to you may be feeling frozen in motion.  This could indicate a time to wait for the forces of the universe to start moving again...(ants share with me to be patience and persistent.) It could also indicate the need to stop and take a rest...Light bulb there?  how does a Gemini take a rest? IT will always indicate a time when you need to re-evaluate the process you are undergoing, and to rid yourself of any negative feelings, barriers, or duress. Simple put, you cannot have your influence felt until you rearrange you way of seeing the present set of circumstances. 

There is always a way tout of any situation because the universal force does move on. it is the way in which you handle problems that allow you to succeed. 
Take a hint from Rabbit. Burrow into a safe space to nurture yourself and release your fears until it't em again to move into the pasture, clear of prowlers who want a piece of your juicy energy...

Well I'm aware and that is always a good sign...and see what appears as I burrow in. 


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