Week 6 sense of abundance

I've been facilitating an artist way class and some people have been following along if you happened to come upon the blog today that  what this post is all about the class and some of the things we talk about and discuss to help live a spiritual path to higher creativity...one doesn't not need to believe in a god but believing in something big might help.

Recovering a sense of Abundance

This week you tackle a major creative block-money. You are asked to really look at your own ideas around God, money and creative abundance. The essays will explore the ways in which your attitudes limit abundance and luxury in your current life. You will be introduced to counting, a block busting tool for clarity and right use of funds. This week may feel volatile.

The Great Creator

·        Look at our self-sabotaging beliefs

·        Many of us need to overhaul our God concept in order to fully recover our creativity.

·        Are we stuck on the “More Train” and are we wanting a God like a big fat pay check?

Question to ask?

·        Are we clinging to our financial concerns as a way to avoid not only our art but also our spiritual growth?  Are we putting our faith in the dollar?

·        Are we operating on a toxic old idea that God’s will for us and our will for us are at opposite ends of the table.

·        This might be the time to “alter the God concept”

·        God concept from childhood, from someone else concept fed to you, are you willing to examine a nontoxic God?

·        What would a nontoxic god think of your creative goals?

·        Might such a god really exist?

·        If so, would money or you job or you lover remain your higher power?

·        Big question is... why do we think a God concept wants us broke?  What proof do we have about this whole idea?

Taking from the Big Book of AA, the concept of working for God is what a newly sober person clings to, as we gain a better understand or concept of this all we might find our tangled lives smooth out; tangled relationships gain sanity and sweetness. 

Creativity is not and never has been sensible. Don’t be a martyr; it doesn’t wear well on your Creative soul.
Making art is about being in the now, present, enjoying the day, give yourself small treats, and breaks. What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us.



A little authentic luxury can go a long way.
Authentic-being real and not a copy.

All too often, we become blocked and blame it on our lack of money. This is never an authentic block. The actual block is our feelings of constriction, our sense of powerlessness. Art requires us to empower ourselves with choice. At the most basic level, this means choosing to do self-care. (so important during the holiday season)

Has it ever happened to you?  where you denied yourself time with friends, time with family and above all time to yourself with no agenda? This could be a simple luxury.

Wet blankets…be alter for them...as you might share good news and they'll come lay there wet blanket all over you.

 What gives us true joy?  Read page 110 last paragraph on to The Counting Exercise.
Information above was gathered from Julia Cameron's, The Artists Way...
Posting this a bit late...our class won't be meeting till Jan 6th..which could be hard hoping we don't lose our momentum. We have great group of creatives and I'm going to try to keep us in touch.  Well with out realizing it the God concept and the holidays falls in nicely...And the idea of luxury and what it all means to us/me...not trying to convert anyone...this is stuff that is in the Artists way book and Julia has us look at that.   As a lot of us artists have been working on this now for some time most of this may not mean to much or you may say that it's not me and I don't see it that way or I've got a good understanding.   The reality is this stuff does block people from their own self-expression. 
I believe it's not good to get to complacent, always be willing to go with a flow-good orderly direction and be willing to make change where change needs to.



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