
Like the wind....my interest wanders off, flowing around one thing or the next... Got some attention issues...but I always trust where it takes me.... Wabi-Sabi, Art workshop book I purchased a while back and just not had some time to wander through it.

I'll share some chosen words from Serena Barton's book...

I found in my art explorations that My strength lay in expressive and intuitive work. I began with acrylic paints moved to oil paint and fell in love with mixed media. Like many of you , I'm not content to work in just one medium. "Experiment, enjoy keep working, embrace accidents and mistakes and trust yourself."  is the advice Serena shares.

So just reading her introduction...much more but it had me hooked for the moment.

Finding Inspiration and beauty in the ordinary....Wabi-Sabi term refers to a kind of philosophy, aesthetic and feeling I had already internalized.  Wabi-Sabi comes from two Japanese words, refers to that which is imperfect, impermanent, aged, humble and authentic. It is an aesthetic that values the passing of time, the seasoning of time and the elements, and handmade and the simple.   Wabi-Sabi is a way of being open to emotion and acceptance. Wabi-Sabi is a state of mind and state of feeling. 

Serena goes on to say..."We'll honor the humble and the worn, the imperfect and the transitory. and she wants to encourage you to work from your heart."  Wabi-Sabi embraces serenity, joy, solitude, surprise and whatever else you many experience in the moment. 

More shared...Mixed-Media artist and art lovers are dawn to objects that speak of the passage of time. The Wabi-Sabi out look accepts that we are all impermanent on this earth and that the most important things in life is to be fully present in the moment.  We are open to any and all of our emotions in this moment and accept them with serenity.

So just two pages in to the book and I'm feeling really good about what I read and feel like this is the good orderly direction for the afternoon and I went to the paper...my medium and acrylic paints with some drawing tools thrown in...and I created
Wabi-Sabi 1  The beginning -Art 8 x 8 matted 12 x 12
I missed doing the Tack Down Tuesdays so I revisited the moment of creating in the afternoon like on Monday's and made this piece after reading above what I shared with you...let go of perfection and went with it...I think I create like that already but this on is the beginning of exploring the concept of Wabi-Sabi...lets say I think..as of this moment it is what my attention is drawn to.


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