Altering Found papers with Gesso and Acrylic Medium
Was playing around yesterday in the studio and decided to snap some photo of found papers I create with gesso. Using a plastic card like a old gift card or something of that sorts I spread the gesso on the surface. When dry I introduce color to the surface.
Kraft papers or brown lunch bags are a great paper to create some interesting texture on. High in acids but by the time one gets done altering it and coating it with polymer medium like I do. All that acid is sealed in. Here I spread on the gesso a bit thicker and spread it with a plastic card to smooth it out some and then I used the tile grout spread to create the lines. The colored piece next to the Gesso piece was done with the end of paint brush so if you don't have the tile grout spread available you can you many other things. A comb, fingers etc.
Here is something different as I use the polymer medium for this but you can use any acrylic medium. I stamp the surface first with the acrylic medium let it dry and then I bring color into the surface with just a baby wipe and a dab of acrylic and rub it in and off as I need to.
This paper is a map I've used the gesso to push back and tone down the print from the map. I will bring color in when it dries. It creates some interesting papers as you see hints of the map here and then.
Here I've stamped with the cap with gesso on the sheet music and then let it dry and worked some acrylic to the surface.
Spreading the gesso on a little thicker it gives me some play time with it before it soak in or starts to dry then I can scribe into the gesso and create some gesture lines. Depending on the tool you use a tile grout spreader or the end of a paint brush you can get some great effects.
After the papers are altered to my likeness as of color and markings I coat each side and then store between deli sheet or wax paper and then are ready to go for the type of collaging I do with the heat seal iron or Tack iron as I like to call it.