3 Day Contemporary Collage Workshop-Naperville Fine Art Center and Gallery

So what does contemporary art mean?

Contemporary just means "art that has been and continues to be created during our lifetimes". In other words, contemporary to us.
 Modern Art: Art from the Impressionists (say, around 1880) up until the 1960's or 70's.
 Contemporary Art: Art from the 1960's or 70's up until this very minute.

Contemporary art - collectively - is much more socially conscious than any previous era has been. A whole lot of art from the last 30 years has been connected with one issue or another: feminism, multiculturalism, globalization, bio-engineering and AIDS awareness all come readily to mind as subject matter.
So, there you have it. Contemporary art runs from (roughly) 1970 until now. We won't have to worry about shifting an arbitrary point on the art timeline for another decade, at least. Go, be of good cheer, and fear not the term "Contemporary Art".
Should I be asking this question this morning before I head off to a 3 day workshop on contemporary collage.  (taken from About.com Art History)

What are we going to create today...?  I feel it will be an atmosphere of pure play, explorations and experimentation with some high energy looking for a great place to land.

This piece that I'm showing here is about restoring restoring a balance with is a live long journey with ourselves, loved one and the environment we live in.

Going to get my foods packed up and late minute things and head out to the workshop...I'm excited, a bit scared but so grateful and honored to be work with a great group of woman.


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