My Blue Jar and preparing for the new year...

This is one of my gifts from my oldest daughter, if you seen these on line there called Calming Jars or Mind Jars...there made for children to have time out.  Wonder why I need one of these.  Is my daughter trying to tell me something. It's hard to sit and watch this..but it takes about 5 minutes to completely settle. Here's some sits.. Calm Down Mind Jar  Or Mind Jar
I also went an joined Weight Watchers...something got to change and I'm having a hard time thinking I'm doing it on my own.. so I've joined on line. With the body changes my personal cravings are the breads and sweets and I was staying away from it for a while and I know that it was what my body needed me to do and then it was the Neighbor that brought of the three plates of cookies three days ago...that's the running joke in our was the neighbors fault's all the stuff that lead up to it.  Can't hide the fact that I need help so not to start a weight watchers blog here, just reaching out of for support now and then..
I'm planning on some visiting the rest of the week..which is like major new behavior. Though I did it before it's even more this week, I'm reaching out a bit more and making appointment for lunch dates and get to be in front of people again..need that.  So doing a little road trip to My cousin Doris today, not seen the girl in a while so this will be good..I'm hoping to fit a walk in the woods out there by here...tallying up my woods walks as of hitting different forest preserves and exploring.
and then tonight I would like to make another one I write in during the morning hours is almost more signature left..which holds about 20 pages...It seems about a month a book..what I write in them I have no idea but it's the morning brain to do it.
Well best get going with the day...going to eat my breakfast and check my points and off I go.


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