Filling the Void

"Filling the Void"
36 x 36
collage on canvas
The open spaces are important in your art as of the positive and negative spaces, positive being the areas where more is concentrated with your medium, in my case it's the collage papers, verses the space of openness that is consider negative...hmm  this has me thinking that having openness isn't too good it's scary as of in the real world openness can lead to the unknown...where you question what's happening in this area of my life, and why aren't I doing something? Or What should I be doing..Which then leads to filling the void..what do you fill your void with?  People, Drink, Drugs, Material stuff, Clothes, Food or the Spirit?
I need to give a coat of Varnish on it and then take it in for be photographed tomorrow so I have it back in time for the solo exhibit at LaGrange Art League..  and the rest of the weekend and following week it's framing up the smaller 12 x 12 and packaging my prints and making up title excited.  


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