Learning about Courage

I'm going to share again about a few things...Courage...which I've read means to take heart.  Then I think about Brave Heart with Mel Babe' Gibson.. and the painted face and riding with that rage look on his face, standing for what he believes and not to concerned about what will happen. You know the Heroic kind of Courage,

and then theirs the Ordinary Courage I'm learning about, it's the kind of courage that speaks honestly and open about who we are and about what we're feeling, and bout our experience (good and bad) is the definition of courage. (from the book The Gifts of Imperfection.) She-Brene Brown shares, putting our life on the line...is heroic.  But putting our vulnerability on the line is Ordinary courage...and in today's world it's extraordinary. 

I can relate to this statement...Do you know how incredibly brave it is to say "I don't know" When you're pretty sure everyone around you gets it?   Man I have many moments like that all may life...but lately I'm so afraid to state it as of I'm asking more when I don't get it and it's great people are so willing to share...and it strikes up good conversation... but I use think that you had to know all and be all and be "Prefect"  by far I never was prefect but it was front I put on...when in fact it was falling and crumbling all around me...a facade I was playing with myself and an illusion I seemed to be living..all to not look prefect or like I had it all together...

So with it all I've falling apart a bit after all the excitement of the last few months...which is normal and a cycle that when given a chance to regroup and rest I'm ready for the next round of creative excitement. 

So getting back ordinary courage...it's about being honesty, open and asking for what you need...one of the braves things you can do...I also relate to her sharing about..taking the risk to be vulnerably and disappointed at times.. As the story goes, she had wanted to be ask for a speaking or conference engagement and then she was and a friend ask aren't you excited...well she shrugged it off and played it down, mainly so if it didn't work out perfect she wouldn't be disappointed or hurt...when in fact sharing it with someone when you find out you don't have to deal with what ever in isolation...And if things don't go well you can be brave, have courage to be vulnerably and share that again with someone safe and get through and have courage to stay real in your own life...and being perfect isn't such a big deal any more...You  also find out others have walked the same path as you but where afraid to be open to hurt or vulnerably...

Well I'm rambling again but it's a part of my life that seems to be needing a look see and I've been finding great comfort in that. 

I've not been in the studio since last Monday and I'm looking forward to it this Monday for the Tack Down Tuesday pieces I make.. I've got list of things to do and prepare for after this holiday season but I'm actually detaching myself from them now and staying in the holiday spirit that always seem to try to play scrooge with me till I give up and just show up for the season...Off to the woods to fill the body with some spiritual vitamins.


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