white quiet and peaceful

I'm in one of my funky hormonal moods...where I want to have no responsibilities and run off and explore but instead I realize that I've been doing that for the last two or more weeks. Well not quite exploring but some what...Let's say exploring new opportunities...but now I'm feeling like hang in the woods all day or traveling further away and doing that....

The homestead is just so quiet this morning, everyone has work later in the day so there all sleeping in even Hank and Carl aren't in the Kitchen here wanting to eat breakfast...soon though that can't go on to long with out,  Hank has got to fill his tank regularly. 

My jobs today are to tend the homestead and walk and hang out in my studio..in that order I don't know but it's a must today. I also need to make a new morning writing journal for myself.  All week I've been writing and watching the pages grow less and less as of the ones that are blank...I do enjoy the stitching part while I watch some TV at night..

it's also a day to touch base on my direction and make sure I'm traveling at the best speed on things and making progress where I need to be.   I can't help but think of October this year having a one person show at the Downers Grove Library and wanting to have some large cradle board piece up...I started yesterday on another piece for that new direction.  I would like to have about 12 of the smaller one done and then recreate the composition larger and see what happens.  So  it's a good day of cleaning, can weed out the stuff that makes me stray and then I'll be able to see the path easier...

Off to get showered and dress for an adventurous day of cleaning..which I do enjoy because I know how I'll feel and how excited I'll be with a good direction revisited.

My rock said...."time for Adventure" and my puzzle piece said Keep an Open mind...OK I'm all excited and breakfast is in and filled the belly...ready for it..

Oh my youngest daughter is at college and last night the teacher was sharing about giving people inspirational words on cards and how that can help people feel better and My Bernie shared with her teacher about the bowl of rocks we have on the table in the Kitchen, her teacher thought it was a great idea.  I did it because I was an small addiction to the rocks and of course now the words are taking over and keeping me from straying, and keeping the attitude on the positivie note.


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