10 Completed abstract landscapes

 Deep Winters Night,
collage 3 x 9
matted 6 x 12
 framed with Wood black.

 Golden Hills
3 x 9 Collage
6 x 12 matted,
 framed in Fruit wood color frame

 Green, Green Prairie,
3 x 9 Collage
6 x 12 matted and frame with a wooden black frame

 High Tide
3 x 9 Collage
Framed and matted with black wood frame

Low Tide
3 x 9 Collage
Framed and matted in Black Wood frame

 Red Sky in the Morning
3 x 9 Collage
6 x 12 Framed in a black wood frame

 River Between
3 x 9 Collage
Framed and matted in Fruit wood Frame

 Rolling Fields
3 x 9 collage

 Rolling Thunder
3 x 9 Collage

Summer's Heat
3 x 9 Collage ļ»æ

Finished works.


  1. Laura, these really appeal to me. The colours, the textures and the format. Wonderful. Jen

  2. Absolutely beautiful, Laura! And I love the titles.

  3. thanks ladies. I added the titles when I was scanning them...they just popped into my head..

  4. Luscious! You've been doing great keeping that schedule!

  5. Laura, These collages are fabulous, the colors and textures....terrific!

  6. Hi Chris,

    new name here to the blog..glad to meet you...when I have a bit of time in the mornings which I struggle to try to fit it all in I'
    ll give your blog a look see.

    smiles today ;)


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