Expectation inched its way in again...


Faith in the Unknown 
(older collage piece, since sold)

Meaning behind the artwork:  I had a Book club meeting this morning which is always inspiring. But there was a question asked and answered by each one of us and that was, “Describe yourself at your most potent, happy fulfilled creative self.” Long pause by us all, I would have to say, “I’m at my most potent self when I’m freely creating, allowing myself to be present in the moment with the materials and tools at hand.” And I’ve had many of those moments lately and then out of that all I felt that being present in the moment was a place that I could be ok and happy in and not worried about the unknown of what is going to happen next.

"You can make a plan but you can't plan the outcome." A dear friend just shared with me.  There's expectation revised and stated.  Some time ago I looked into this word and the world around it. I thought I understood it and how it was or wasn't to work in my life.  And then I coast along in life and the underbelly side of expectation slips back in. Or I should state that better, my underbelly shows it, my personal thoughts about expectation again.

Here's some words I gathered from DailyOm.  

The further you distance yourself from your expectations, the more exhilarating your life will become. Though a situation in which you find yourself may not correspond to your initial wants, needs, or goals, ask yourself how you can make the most of it and then do your best to adapt. Your life’s journey will likely take many unpredicted and astonishing twists because you are willing to release your expectations.

The Unpredicted are my Challenges and Astonishing moments are my riches.  

Another part to life is change the things you can...let go of the rest. 

As in art getting stuck on the end result is at first something we may not understand we are doing.  A new adventurer sets themselves up to success and find a fast detour when it doesn't turn out as mapped out.  How many times have I or you been part of this playing out? 

Most of my creating has been about a idea that floats around and allows for flexibility. Over the years of showing up at the watercolor paper and tacking down the collage papers, I personally without knowing it walk in trust. Sure now I can look back and see this but in the heat of the creative moment or a life moment the picture of how I see the future flashes into...."Not going to happen your way Laura,"  So relating to my way and expectation is where the bottom line is on it all.  I have had so many moments where an ideas is played out on the surface of some substrate and it's just me, the paper and my Greater Spirit co-creating together, I think it's going to happen every where.  Playing this scenario out many times that then it's hard to accept it's not going to happen my way. This false sense of inner power.  Does that all make sense?  Isn't this something that I should have learned along time ago?  I don't want to belittle myself about this whole word expectation.  As I shared at the beginning of the blog post I'm called to revisit it.  

So how do you do the mature thing, to not allow your expectations to drive the crazy bus and have you sitting in one of the sits wondering how did I get here again?    

  1. Just be observant 
  2. Have no opinion on others lives or business of their lives. 
  3. Have ideas, goals and some plans but allow space for movement to help settle where it needs to.
  4. A little prayer for guidance is always helpful
  5. Allow for flexibility like the coyote that has lived in so many places and is still thriving.
  6. Don't put all you eggs in one basket
  7. Accept things as they are and take your luck as it comes. 
  8. The Gratitude, and Thank You for being able to self reflect on things, life and stuff that revisits me/us. 
  9. And to know I'm continually changing and growing, "time for a growth spurt in my adult/elderhood.  


  1. Hi Perhotelan, This collage piece was done quite a few years ago and after being in a circle of people, good people mind you the warmth and freedom of being myself with them just spilled out on the watercolor surface with all materials I had at hand. I didn't question to the point of will this look right or perfect. I only answered to do "I" like this and if I do go with it if not make that choice to fix it till I do like it.


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