So what if you could look at the Wall in a new way?


What material is your wall made of?

Is there a color to you wall? If so, what color is it?

What's written on your wall?

 Health concerns? Family obligations? Work? financial support?

What feeling do you have when you approach your wall?

 Is it an obligation? An emotion? Ambition or ambivalence? Apathy? Avoidance?

What will you do with your wall?

Walk away? Lean on it? break through it? Walk around it?

Climb over it? Dig under it? Scrape at it, little by little?

Does it contain a door? An entrance that leads to self-discovery. Is there a port hole for you to look through, and just see what's on the other side?


What creative process will you use to be with your wall? Post your discoveries.

This whole though of a wall and what it represents in one's life has doing some inner reflections and rightly so with the darkest and shortest day of the year.  The whole idea came from the Book Wild Ideas, by Cathy Wild   I'm working with two other artists and we are reading chapter by chapter taking our time.  Of course our discussion trail off but then as we all know they trail back in and we are connecting our creative spirit with our life and art.  

The wall can be so many different things to each of us.  "Hitting a wall with this idea,"  Hitting the wall with this life event." You get the point. 

A boundary the wall can be, 

A road block 

Our fears and doubts

It could be a white board as I first thought.  A way to help one see the fears in a more real perspective is what I thought.  You know put it out there and seek guidance with it sort of thing.  

After some time though the though of a stone wall about waist high came in to the picture of my heart and mind.  I knew right away my wall will be one of stones from the earth, with gaps and nooks and crannies. For the smallest of light to get through and for the life in it's tiniest breath can also live.  

The thought about the wall became clearer this morning, the wall is an aspect of my life.  A metaphor for my life.  This reminds me of the Cube Book/Game too.  Though imaginative and somewhat a fantasy this is a way to explore oneself and not be so series I feel. 

At this point of this blog post I hold the image as a way or possibility in my life.  

The gate is a way to walk through the challenges and adventures of life.  Staying in the positive aspect of this whole playful through process.  Cause we all know how fast we can go south in the thinking.  This sort of playful imagination is so heart centered it just kind of uplifts me.  The image hold strong in my being and I see a fox running around in fact a whole family.  


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