A week of No Reading....what's that all about.

For those that might be following along with the artist way...I'm posting this...

Week 4 from the Artists Way book of Julia  Cameron's
Recovering a Sense of Integrity- This week may find you grappling with changing self-definition. The essays are designed to catapult you into productive introspection and integration of new self-awareness. This may be both very difficult and extremely exciting for you. Warning: do not skip the tool of reading deprivations!


Honest Changes

o   Sorting through our feelings-real and official

o   Our morning pages focus us on getting specific

o   Morning pages press us to answers.

o   Many tend to neglect or abandon the pages whenever and unpleasant piece of clarity is about to emerge.

o   Rather than face the mess we will mess up on doing the morning pages.

Extreme emotions of any kind-the very thing that morning pages are superb for processing-are the usual triggers for avoiding the pages themselves.


o   Over any considerable period of time, the morning pages perform spiritual chiropractic.

o   Hereā€™s the honest part, ā€œTo thine own self be trueā€

Chekhov adviced, ā€œif you want to work on your art, work on your life.ā€ In order to have self-expression, we must first have a self to express.  Thatā€™s the business of Morning pages.

o   As we clarify our perceptions, we lose our misconceptions. Clarity creates change.

Morning pages in three steps 1. Awareness 2. Acceptance 3. Action

People frequently believe the creative life is grounded in fantasy. The more difficult truth is that creativity is grounded in reality, in the particular, the focused, the well observed or the specifically imagined.


There may be some feelings of loss and some grieving as you make changes, but the new you is right there celebrating your growth. Remember growth happens one day and then maybe not for a few days and that can be rest. There is daily change weather you see it or not. And we may not be aware of the speed of our growth.

o   There will be change in energy patterns. Your dreams will become stronger and clearer, both by night and day.

o   Your personal identity will begin to show through.

o   We will learn to rest in motion. Morning pages are you forward motion.

o   In your morning pages remember to use affirmation, go back and pull from some on page 36-37 or use your own. But use them in you pages.
Buried Dreams, an Exercise

o   List five hobbies that sound fun

o   List five classes that found fun

o   List five things you personally would never do that sounds fun

o   List five skills that would be fun to have.

o   List five things you used to enjoy doing.

o   List five silly things you would like to try one.

Reading Deprivation

Please note this is the most important part of the course/class along with the morning pages.

Reading Deprivation cast us into our inner silence a space some of us begin to immediately fill with new words-long gossipy conversations, anything to do with social media. 

o   We often can hear our own inner voice.

o   The voice of an artistā€™s inspiration, above the static.

We will read this section out loud starting on page 87 to 89

If you werenā€™t reading what could you do?

So I went to my morning pages and started just whining about some stuff and I'm seeing that as the age I am I'm finally able to not worry about taking care of other people and I can start taking care of myself...I mean really doing it as of a new routine...but the way the other people in my house hold are and need the areas it's not a good fit...Things are louder on the weekend...my eating schedule is all off. People coming and going...mood swings, doors slamming just people in general trying to deal with life...not this doesn't happen all the time but with four twenty something and two 50 something all living under the same roof causes a bit of wave action....

This week in the Artists Way as come at a time of great need...one that I didn't realize would fit in so well with the holiday events.  Well that's what I'm telling myself. As the Reading Deprivation is asked to be followed...that's now reading of any kind...because Reading is one the most common numbing and blocking devises out there...Like I said with the holiday events this will be good for me as I've got to focus on me because all my attention would go to reading some thing and I will need to clean the house for the Thanksgiving Feast, if all come we have a house of 26...As a hostess it's what I have to prepare for but not all will attended I'm sure or will drop in later between other stops.

Plus I'm getting work ready for a small one day event at the Zhou Bro. Art Center with Robin in her Gallery 4Art Inc...so all is good this gal won't have time to read...

The thing that I'm aware of going into this week is all the social media we are being trained to have to turn to in order to survive...so I know I've already dabbled into as I've got to read my emails, but I don't got to this week...I could go off grid for the week...Hmmm that might happens  Today I'm to start so well see...and if you don't see me posting here you know I've bite the bullet and went the full monty and unplugged. Wow kind of exciting to see what would happen for one week only...


  1. You're gonna miss us! Heh, heh, heh . . . :-)

  2. will enjoy reading again...

  3. Working on some cleaning too, but mine is avoidance of creating a failing piece....


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