Morning ideas

This paper I made while I was doing the internship at the library, I could cut it up so I scanned it and than printed it out. 

 Morning pages open pathways for little bits of ideas to trickle in, and then sketch them out....and while putting things away from doing my vision board I thought about my morning sketch and brought it to life.
My birds always look like baby birds reaching up...what can I say not the way I intended it to be...but then I wasn't sure how it was going to work out.  I'm pretty happy with the first attempt.  Not like my first mouse...that thing looked dead when I finished it...did all the wrong things from material to the thick thread but still happy I put into motion and made it. Not sure where I'm going with this but just playing now and if feels good.  I should be getting ready for a few classes but just don't want to at the moment.  As you can see it's hand sewn and there's some stuffing in the to be very careful as the paper can just rip and then where are you.?  
 What do you think...of my  little bird ?


  1. Your little bird makes me smile because it brings to mind FLIGHT, which has always interested me. I remember being just 7 or 8 years old and dreaming that I could fly. Another reason your little bird makes me smile is because of the design elements - the colors and the textures grab my attention - especially the curls of the tail, but mostly it's the 3-dimensional form. As a sculpture in space, it visually TAKES FLIGHT!

    1. Thanks for you comment Lorraine, I think I would like to try some more and explore the body and how to use other element for wings, tails, legs and feet.

  2. Your little bird is wonderful, love the color and that tail is perfect!

  3. it's adorable! Love the colors and the creativity!

    1. The paper was so special I could use it so I had to make a copy of it and use that...too funny.


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