More little ditty's and a feather= Maker's Tale

  With Mary's piece I wrote about, sitting on a log and meditation for a short while...hard for me to do but I'm giving it a try...when I opened my eye's I was looking up watch the layers of tree tops sway back and forth...what a beautiful dance.

The two house are from the post card Studio Conversations exhibit at North Central Collage.  The work is Mary Bookwalter and Carol Weber. And I saw this little vine this morning walking and had to find out what it was...The seed pods are a Wild Yam...did a bit of sketching there on the page I use to tie on the grasses.  

I finished painting the Yellow beads today giving them time to dry in between...the canvas of the tipi is larger and some areas would fall upon other and paint will get every I have to be patient.  

And then I finally got the nerve to paint a feather.  I never intended on them being painted natural.  More whimsical  and with color. 

Road trip tomorrow picking up work...not sure if I'll get time to paint...but will try to sneak some time in. 


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