not to help or fix or take care of....

All it says is extend the hand...not to help or fix or take care of...thank the Great Spirit...not to sound all ungiving... or to be big Martyr.  I've got no more to give at this time, or fix or take care of. 

During the Holiday months I regroup...reflect and restore my own spirit. I hear the words, "where you teaching?"..."what shows are you in...etc.." and I cringe...I know so unlike myself but the truth is one can't be on every day.  Though I fool myself into thinking it's possible that I'm not effected by it.  
I am. 

So all I have to do today is extend a hand...

So the joy of family coming over and the laughter we will hear around the tables is where I want to focus.  Off to put one turkey in the oven...and be creative with food this week. 

May love be also shared around the tables this year. 


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