Receive what you need to read....

Me is of course me-Laura
H- is my Daily OM horoscope for May 5th 2016

ME-Sometimes I think it's so awesome when I read something and it connects with what's going on in my mind and heart.  Aha moments....

H-Unfulfilled expectations may be an issue for you today and cause you to feel discouraged. This frustration could be related to work, relationships, or goals not working out as you planned. A good way to overcome this feeling is to accept things as they are today.

ME-I personal want to be past this point of preparing to submit this grant application.  Now I'm going to sound ungrateful but I'm not...I didn't apply for this personally.  Some one saw in me the possibility for this so they had expectations-opportunity and a gift for me. I was thinking about this yesterday and this morning. 

H-This doesn't mean you can't continue working toward what you want. But if you can do so with detachment and go with the flow, you will minimize stress when obstacles arise. You might also try to look for the opportunity in any challenges that you face today. Obstacles can make you feel like you are being blocked. However, if you can view obstacles as opportunities for growth, you can turn them to your advantage. 

ME-Obstacles can make you feel like you are being blocked....I was just talking to my friend about this last night too...I feel like I can't move forward till this unexpected opportunity is finished.  I've been trying hard to look at it as learning experience and I've seen and I'm facing areas of learning I've not experience since early elementary school. 

H- When we see challenges as opportunities for growth and positive change, rather than as obstacles, we can proceed toward our goals with a relaxed attitude. Challenges become part of the journey instead of the obstacles that stop us. It is a good idea to embrace challenges rather than resist them. 

ME- at the point of finding about this grant opportunity I saw it as a challenge and didn't turn it down. When I spoke to the people at 3Arts they said just being nominated is a huge thing and that I don't have to submit my application, it's good just like that.   But I do What I do best and said, "Yes," to pushing myself forward and of course learn new things and grow. Add my own wisdom to my experiences of my life. Or as some folks say..."put another notch on my belt."

H-When we accept a challenge, we are more able to deal with situations and less likely to become thwarted by them. There is an opportunity that exists for us in any challenge. See challenges as the next step to reaching your goals today, and your discouragement will turn to optimism and excitement.

Believing in something...I have a tendency to believe in a lot of signs and symbols that come my way in life. Again with gratitude for opportunities to push myself and grow into who I already am is something I'm seeing more of these days.  

So with that I went playing my studio with an ideas I've worked with before but this time I took pictures of it so I could bring it in to a lesson plan...Next post....


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