A question

"In working with the expressive arts we are invited to place emphasis on the creative process over the artistic product. We live in a very product-oriented culture. The way we spend our time may only seem valuable if we have something to show for it, if we are productive and “busy.” We often measure our own worth by how much we accomplish in a given time and how many goals we reach."

--- Christine Valters Paintner, PhD 

Which takes precedence in your creative work, the process of creating, or the product created? 

Is it a challenge to try and stay present to the process, letting go of desires regarding the end product?

I'm reading The Artist's Rule with my book club...we are all artists and well there is some very good contemplative stuff in there...I'm feeling it's right where my thinking about all the creative art, life, income stuff needs to be. it's a heavy book in introspective work with a spin of how Benedictine Monk's lived...which as Christine has found so similar...There's moment of devotional prayer and creative projects to do...Sometimes I can get obsessive about following all the rules to a tee but with my vision board going and the work I've put into that I'm finding I'm still traveling parallel with what's happening in the book. It's to be a 12 week course...but I know I seem to need a long time with it so we are doing a chapter a month...

Lots so to do.....being active in my days and feeling really good about it..and everything is so green...Love it! and Grateful~ 

My Personal Notes from The Artist's Rule -Week Four 


  1. Ha! I can easily answer that question. Since I don't know what the heck I'm doing most of the time, it's ALWAYS the process! I admire those who actually have a plan, a vision, and know what they're aiming for. With me, I just start doing, and if something good happens, do it again. And yes, I realize how stupid I sound ...

  2. Don't think Carol sounds stupid at all. My immediate thought was the process. Absolutely love the process!y

  3. Hey Carol L. That's how I work too.If I start with a plan something else happens and I deviate so far from the plan I end up scrapping it anyway!


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