Sewing kit, apron and Valentines Day

This morning I was up early and filled my pages in the journal, the weight has lifted some what with the paper work for the accountant. After doing the bills for the homestead and the art business I tackled all the proper paperwork to hand over to the new accountant.  I was totally wiped out by the end of the day.  Sleep good, but my anxiety about making sure I had it all in order and duck in a row was tremendous. My own in house drama..but as I said there's a weight lifted...I don't like feeling weighed down with head hang over priorities.  I want that feeling gone...Get it done and gone.  Well that won't be for a week or my appointment.  Thankful... with new venues and adventures this past year it puts a toll on capacity I can handle with the Number and turbo found me local gal and she seems to know her business.

So on from my in-house drama to the husband waking up to his Valentine Present I got him.  He's a funny kind of guy.  I got him a shop apron, a wood crafter one that rest nicely around and on his shoulders and not on his neck.  And then I made up a small sewing kit for him...He's always loosing his buttons...I use to sew them on for him but I passed that on because he's a big boy he can do it and has...taking pride in it too.  But he had no tools to do it with.  Always asking to use mine and I bought down my stuff and he would ask don't you have something smaller....So I've been gathering up little things, like buttons, thread, needles, a magnifying glass..LOL because he doesn't think he needs glasses and a few needle threaders to help thread a needle with those big hands of his.
 He was laughing about the apron as he was putting it he said I was starting to get like my mom which I said Yes I know..but he wore  the apron for a little while to please me then he thought the sewing kit was the best....I do love him dearly... Now I can't wait for the rest of the family to wake up to see their gifts.

The family asked Dad what he got from Valentines day and so he went to the garage put on this apron and then everyone wanted a picture of him that's why we got a Bleep! 


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