Feeling Blessed

As Spring is in the air the green is still working it's way out of the ground. I couldn't help myself but to ask for the husband's help and get the tipi set up.   Took us a bit because I had taken the poles down and set back up with out looking at the instructions....things were not laying right with the poles and well that made it hard for the base of the tipi to come down to the bottom evenly or close.  It was way off so three times we arranged them till I pulled out the instruction and read them while Randy did the pole setting...I told him it was fun working with him...though we have some moment of communication difficulties we don't give up on each other and see it through...Happens when you have to creative, bossy, know it all's trying to put something together...LOL   Well I'm happy that it's up and before Easter so now when all come over today they will see...I've got a small fire pit that will fit in there and a cot too. So guess who's going to be reliving her childhood again.

 photo of the little fire pit I have for inside.

 Flashback to this past winter

Talking stick


  1. This is so cool I can't stand it! Your painting all around is just perfect and I like the meanings behind all the elements you used. Thanks for showing more overviews and angles -- I have a better understanding now of how large it is and how it sits in its environment. And now I want one, too! Sigh.

    1. Well Tipi Dan's company is closer to you....White Buffalo Lodges...and He'll come and set it up for you if you ask him. He's already on his trail of #3 now...traveling around an setting them up. Dan Huff is name and you can follow him on Face book too. that would be so cool on the new property!! I could see it happening.

  2. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Laura, I love your work and have learned many things from your site, but I have to comment that the idea of using that fire pit inside your tipi is frightening to me. It seems like a huge fire hazard. The top appears open which should let CO2 escape, but having witnessed a house fire last week, I really wouldn't risk it.

    Enjoy the tipi!

    1. Thank you for your concern...I've done my homework and purchased a small fire pit and it would be something that I would make small fires in and it would be centered under the opening so that the smoke and heat would got straight up. And I have a water hose close by that I've trained all my family to have ready for the out door fire pit we have to use...been a good girl scout...but I know that doesn't guarantee life but it is the knowledge of precaution I bring into this..

  3. You really have done a great job on the outside of the tipi. As for the fire....I'm sure that it would be fine as long as someone is keeping an eye on it. After all, the tipi is not as substantial as a house and would not be as difficult to escape from.

  4. Seems to me that the best part of this, besides working with Randy, is reliving your childhood! I look forward to growing old with you Laura, because you will always push yourself to express that which you think and feel.

    1. You Get me Woman...you get me!!!

  5. And you get me! And we will get together in June! Bob and I are coming to IL June 7-15. I want to sit in your tipi with you and think deep thoughts, eat lunch outside in your back yard and talk about our kids, or go for a hike together and take photographs...I love ya Lady.


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