Getting prepared

 This morning as the sweet potatoes are cooking in the oven I've whipped up a batch of mayo and some creamy Italian dressing for salads this week. I like to make salmon salads and chicken salads too with it.
 Now my spaghetti squash looks a bit funny don't it...but letting it cool to so I can pack that up and have that with me while I'm up there.  I like to go back and make a lunch it gives me time to take a rest and then met up with others as they are eating their lunches.

 this is a photo or two the supplies I bring...crazy I know but you only live once and well I like to live big in my workshops. Kitchen sink...Oh yes I can fit that in too!

 more stuff...extra papers, and all the fun found tools...extra paints
got some tack irons for those that need to purchase and well extra electrical never know what you might need. Have to admit I've Got some mixed feelings I'm trying not to feel...and well they'll well up on Sunday I'm sure.  My first graduated from college and I couldn't make it...had a art fair....and now the workshops...bitter sweet,  I will be missing my second oldest graduations...I did get to see my son though so not all is lost but these are big times and Heck I hate to miss them...darn it will be great though my mother in law is going with my husband and the rest of the family and her boy friend...I hope that take some great pictures.  Oh getting all blubbery now...time to go do some food shopping and see if I can find a nice special gift for her...Maddie, Mom loves you and I'm so proud too, just need to type that out.


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