Because it's this time of year ...Inspirations/Renewal/Spring

Well I'm on one of my wild goose it my inspiration or just a sad case of self help junkie-ism. I seem to have been caught up in the wind and I'm being carried off what does Inspiration mean?  It is  about the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative...

Well now...Back tracking...What captivates me about my art work?    after doing this so many times it's an idea that floats in or wells up or pops in at one of the most oddest moments and the point of obsessing my thoughts. Then I can picture it, though not perfectly  but a roughly I see the end result.   As of the Stacking Rocks series, seen them all done. I have another one in the makings....well two but I'll stick to one, My ideas about attaching wood panels into a totem effect. not sure what's going to be on them but I envision it....and that's like concrete in my creative heart.  So if I was renewing my vows or vocation....what would I be doing?  Good question? 

Vows- a solemn promise, pledge, or personal commitment: (Making a commitment with self is always so easy to break and wiggle out of be I think I have a very strong vow commitment instilled in me.) 

Vocation-a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation. (here is where I trust the whim of what I've been doing and keep doing and feeling very strongly)

Now I have to admit I have also Obsessive qualities can you tell...? Or  like a dog with a bone...not stopping with something till I'm dead tired of it or board out of my gourd.  

So as I ramble over my disjointed mind set...driving you all crazy..or being an eccentric artist.  I type out a section from the 12 secrets of Highly Successful can take a statement and run look out.

Intuition is your internal information and feeling source. It is an inner library of physical and emotional cues that can direct you onto the right avenue. it is the composite of "gut feeling" and perceptions unique to you.  It is an inner way of knowing. Too often, we are trained to discount or repress that knowledge and therefore purposely neglect it, devalue it, or refuse to recognize it's message. 

So follow your whims and see where they lead.  

I have to say that all my life I've been allowed to follow my whims to a certain degree. And see where they lead. Not always to great success but to a point where I can make adjustments and then understand what is being unearthed then follow another whim till I come to a moment of Yes this is it!  Or this is "shit" time to dump it...which I have to say I don't do the dumping to much...I just chalk it up as part of the process.

So what does Inspire me..and where does my inspiration come from?  I asked this question to the Husband and sadly to say he said he doesn't get inspired. Though he admires others it's more he's a of being in the work that he does, construction and working for us and him self these many years his mind site hasn't been about what inspires him?   Makes me there a different between the way man look at his and the women do?  (there's a whim to look into) At this point of asking the husband I remember the road trip when I brought this book with me and started reading it and asking him this same questions but I completely for got?  

As the Husband put its, the facts "Jane,"  you have the ability to do this, as the he supports me and this family so I can venture out and off on my whims creatively and see where they take me.  What diamond he give me what gift, I need moments like this to realize that renewing a vow to my creative life is also to my whole life. A lot bigger then I ever imagined. 

Now really  what does inspire me...

* working in self help books looking into my crazy ways of doing thing and trying to gain insight to why? which then leads to ways to grow as an human being and share what I've learned creatively, which isn't usually a lot but I'm a willing soul to be of service. 
* Nature, walking out in the woods, the way a walk there can bring to the present moment and clarify everything and an overwhelming feeling that it will be alright. 
* sharing the creative process especially, watching others be creative..seeing the energy flowing excites me and I know what that feels like. 
* stories, movies that have good life lessons, inspire me to seek to be a better self. 
* my intuition and gut knowing seems to be the biggest inspiration...when seeking stuff I seem to go into a inner guidance it seeking Good Orderly Direction but I do it often and ask and wait and listen, most of the time...and even if I felt guided later on I can get a gut feeling to back out of something and I lesson to it and I'm so grateful for that.  
* did I say this already...but people inspire me, people working hard at what they want to achieve, the perseverance that is visible is astonishing. It sure gets me going. 

So I've rambled plenty about this and for good reason...selfish reason but for good reasons...I continually need to recommitted to what it is...a vocation/creative passion/ or intuition. a state of mind, heart and body all in sync and knowing this is where you belong and doing just this for now...and more will be revealed and change will happen as needed.  

 Pep talks to insight/inspiration  all the good stuff of know thyself and keep moving forward. 


  1. What else inspires me....and Thunderstorm...a good dark rumbling one rolling in. Color inspires me, Textures inspires me...going to a art gallery or like One of a Kind Show...


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