A Best in Show

Last year I completed this piece as part of a series of work I wanted to work through some of my designs in my collage sketch book and bring them to a larger format.  Which to say proudly I've completed. Though I just bought to more 36 x 36 to work on for the winter season.  I've personally been really busy preparing for my studio show and in knowing that I've not commitment to much else but some classes and workshops.  Out of the blue so to say I decided to show my work at the Naperville Fine Art Center and Gallery.  The theme was or title of the show was Joint Effort. I thought about Relationships how they have to be joint efforts in order to even be one. So I entered this piece in the August show...WOW was I surprise to see that it won Best of Show,  I've not won anything in a few years...though with teaching I've been putting my efforts in that area instead of showing/exhibiting. I've only won one other best in show before and it was for a Gourd sculpture I made. Which that was so unexpected too.   With this piece I pushed myself out of the comfort zone and used purple. I don't like purple...or Pink in my palette I will use it in very small amounts but would rather not...so with this piece I pushed myself kicking and screaming into uncertainty and ended up enjoying the place it took me.  I'm not sure if you can see but the help of a sewing machine was used first to add the element of the broken line and the zig zag.  All the little areas of grouped elements represent relationships... some good and full of love and others drifting away and some for no other reason but to say out of growth they have moved on.
Well I was up early this morning...one of the rare times of 3:30 instead of 4:30, I put the time to good use and wrote up my class agenda. It felt good to have this done and out of the way.  Here is a sample page to see where we are going with this all.



  1. Congratulations for Best of Show! Hoo ha! And kudos to you, too, for continually pushing yourself. From one 4:30 a.m. riser to another . . .

  2. thanks Carol, 4:30 is the best time to wake up...you get to greet the day and it's so quiet and peaceful isn't it?


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